OJT-Trainee Concerns

Things Learned During the OJT:

I learned how to be able to work under pressure not only time-wise but also in terms of dealing with people. I was able to see what happens on the “backstage” of programs since we were able to assist with some of the programs that CIT-University held like the CESAFI Robotics Exhibition. My ability to follow and to lead improved.

Ways to Improve the OJT Program

This is not exactly a suggestion with regards to my OJT with CIT-University but rather with the previous company I was hired with before ending up in CIT-University. It would rather be nice to have a responsive email address that we can just send our concerns straight to the NLO if for example, we no longer feel that the training we’re receiving from a certain company is adequate. A kind of customer support so that we don’t have to feel trapped in a company that we feel does not use us to our potential.

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